If you’re having difficulties logging in or forgot your password, please follow the steps below to reset your password.

  1. Visit the password reset page here.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account.
  3. You’ll be sent a password reset email. If this email does not come to your inbox, please check your spam or junk folder. If it still can’t be found, please add support@laurasmercantile.com to your email contacts and try steps 1-2 again to request another reset email.
  4. Click the reset password link in your email and create a new password, then login here.

If these steps do not work, we suggest you clear your cache in your browser or try a totally separate browser to see if issues persist.

If you experience any issues resetting your password or need assistance, please contact us or email support@laurasmercantile.com with a description of the problem.

Category: Account Questions